When I'm not woodworking, I love to play drums in my cover band. I go through a lot of drumsticks, and since I'm a woodworker too, I am always looking for new uses for them. In case you don't know, most drumsticks are made from hard maple or hickory, which is good for woodworking projects. I've used drumsticks for dowels, axel rods, and CD/DVD spindles before, and now I've found yet another good way to upcycle them...Pens!
I recently delved into the world of pen turning and here are some pictures of some pens I've made from old drumsticks. Drumsticks come in many different sizes and the challenge here is drilling a hole down the center without the bit exiting the side or cracking the wood. I use size 5A drumsticks and the standard 7mm drill bit that is used for slimline pens fits within the drumstick quite nicely.
I usually like to put a clear finish on the pens to maintain the natural beauty of the wood and keep it looking somewhat like it came from a drumstick. I decided to experiment with using green food coloring and really like the results of the green pen.
If you do woodworking, keep an eye out for alternate sources for wood and you might be surprised at what you can find...for FREE!